Friday, October 10, 2014

reading due dates for next unit (unit 6)

The next unit we're looking at is unit 6 (*not* unit 4!).

Here are your reading assignments:

B block:
215-222 for Tuesday 10/13
223-228 for Thursday 10/16
228-235 for Friday 10/17
235-242 for Monday 10/20 (*and* choose a behavior for the project and start tracking it - see below)
242-249 for Wednesday 10/22

D block:
215-222 for Tuesday 10/13
223-228 for Thursday 10/16
228-237 for Monday 10/20 - note the slight change (*and* choose a behavior for the project and start tracking it - see below)
238-249 for Tuesday 10/21

This unit is a bit of a tight squeeze, and I'm trying to move your test (scheduled for Thursday 10/25) to Friday 10/25, but am waiting to find out the schedule for Friday's pep rally to see if that'll work.  So, no guarantees, but stay tuned.

Here is the behavior modification assignment.  Due in class Wednesday 10/29 (though just keep in mind you'll also have some reading from unit 7 due that week).  

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