Friday, October 26, 2012

unit 6 quiz answers and extra credit

Here are the unit 6 quiz answers (for progress tests 1 and 2).

Extra credit - worth up to 10 points (if done well), and due by the end of the day on Friday 11/2:

Read "The Perfected Self" by David Freedman, and, in respond to the following prompts in 1.5-2 typed, double-spaced pages:

-Summarize the article (in a paragraph)
-What would Skinner think of the programs described in the article?
-What concepts (either terminology or other ideas) does this reinforce--pun intended!--from class and the Myers' textbook?

Include 3 quotations from the article to substantiate your explanation.  Your response needs to make it clear that you read the article thoroughly and thoughtfully.

Please also note:  there's no need for the trappings of a formal essay (thesis statement, intro and conclusion paragraphs, etc.), but you do need to organize your response effectively.

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